Cylinder Safety
Propane tanks can be extremely useful but also potentially dangerous. It’s always essential that you handle them correctly and responsibly to avoid potential hazards. Proper propane tank storage is also crucial for the safety and longevity of your tanks. Let’s look at the dos and don’ts of propane tank storage.

- Disconnect cylinders and plug or cap all outlets before you go.
- Always carry the cylinder in an upright position with the safety valve on top.
- Never put a propane cylinder in a closed vehicle. The floor of the passenger compartment is ideal, but if you put it in the trunk, block the trunk lid open.
- Secure the cylinder in the upright position so it can't tip over while you're driving.
- When it’s inside the passenger compartment have all the windows open.
- Never leave a cylinder in a parked vehicle with the windows up. Heat builds up quickly and could cause an explosive release of propane in the vehicle.
- Never smoke while handling a propane cylinder.
- Only a qualified person may fill your cylinder. It is illegal for an attendant to fill an outdated cylinder or to fill a cylinder beyond 80 per cent capacity.
- All cylinders must be inspected and re-qualified or replaced every 10 years. A date stamp on the collar of the cylinder indicates when it was last qualified.
- Check your tank closely. If it’s rusty, damaged or you just aren't sure about it, replace it with a new one and be certain of your safety.
- Make sure you turn in used cylinders so that they can be properly purged and recycled.
- When reconnecting the cylinder, make sure it’s secured in place to the connection.
- After the hose is reconnected, check for leaks using a water and soap solution. If there are bubbles (which indicate a leak), tighten the connection and recheck with the soap solution.
- Keep cylinders away from flame or heat and building exits.
- Use cylinders only with appliances approved for propane.
- Keep cylinders outside, upright and off the ground on a base that will not burn.
- Close the cylinder valve tightly, even when empty.
- Ensure the cylinder valve is protected.
- Store away from flame or heat.
- When storing, disconnect cylinders, plug or cap all cylinder outlets.